Mayclo Blog: Productivity

Prioritizing Self-Care: A Crucial Investment in...

It's easy to get overly focused on checking off tasks and achieving goals, forgetting in the process to care for our own wellbeing. But self-care is not an indulgent distraction...

Prioritizing Self-Care: A Crucial Investment in...

It's easy to get overly focused on checking off tasks and achieving goals, forgetting in the process to care for our own wellbeing. But self-care is not an indulgent distraction...

Energize Your Afternoons: Midday Boosts for Opt...

The allure of powering through when energy lags after lunch is real. But we all experience natural dips in cognition, performance and mood by mid-afternoon as circadian rhythms shift. Ignoring...

Energize Your Afternoons: Midday Boosts for Opt...

The allure of powering through when energy lags after lunch is real. But we all experience natural dips in cognition, performance and mood by mid-afternoon as circadian rhythms shift. Ignoring...

Batching Your Tasks: A Proven Path to Time Effi...

Getting pulled in multiple directions by competing priorities leads to frenzied multitasking yet remarkably little tangible progress. That’s why savvy managers batch process similar responsibilities into consolidated efficiency sprints. Whether...

Batching Your Tasks: A Proven Path to Time Effi...

Getting pulled in multiple directions by competing priorities leads to frenzied multitasking yet remarkably little tangible progress. That’s why savvy managers batch process similar responsibilities into consolidated efficiency sprints. Whether...

Mastering Your Mornings: A Focus-Driven Ritual ...

How you spend the pivotal first moments of morning sets the trajectory for hours ahead, either in reactive catch-up mode or empowered productivity. That’s why outlining a nurturing morning routine...

Mastering Your Mornings: A Focus-Driven Ritual ...

How you spend the pivotal first moments of morning sets the trajectory for hours ahead, either in reactive catch-up mode or empowered productivity. That’s why outlining a nurturing morning routine...

Less Multitasking, More Mastery: The Power of S...

It’s tempting to toggle between tasks to feel constantly productive. But research shows multitasking tanks efficiency, heightens stress and dilutes work quality over single-tasking. Beyond ineffectiveness, diffused attention dulls creativity...

Less Multitasking, More Mastery: The Power of S...

It’s tempting to toggle between tasks to feel constantly productive. But research shows multitasking tanks efficiency, heightens stress and dilutes work quality over single-tasking. Beyond ineffectiveness, diffused attention dulls creativity...

Make Mondays Your Power Day: A Blueprint for a ...

Mondays often kickoff in reactive mode catching up after a weekend’s respite. But by seizing command of Monday mornings instead, you front-load weekly progress by conquering crucial goals before inevitable...

Make Mondays Your Power Day: A Blueprint for a ...

Mondays often kickoff in reactive mode catching up after a weekend’s respite. But by seizing command of Monday mornings instead, you front-load weekly progress by conquering crucial goals before inevitable...